Monday, March 8, 2010

10 Questions: Kevin Miller

Kevin Miller comes from a hockey family. His brothers Kelly and Kip were in the NHL. His cousins include Ryan, of the Buffalo Sabres, and Drew, of the Detroit Red Wings. Can you imagine how competitive the family reunions are?

Kevin played for nine NHL teams, breaking into the NHL with the New York Rangers. He was also a part of five U.S.A. national teams.

He's president of Kevin Miller Financial Services in his home state of Michigan.

In this new feature, Hound Central 5.0 asks NHL players -- past and present -- a few questions about their views on autographs. Miller is now the second to respond, giving us a few minutes of his time. We truly appreciate the opportunity.

Hound Central 5.0: Did you collect cards/autographs as a kid?
Kevin Miller: Yes.

Hound Central 5.0: Is signing autographs fun or a chore?
Kevin Miller: Fun.

Hound Central 5.0: What's the weirdest thing you've ever signed?
Kevin Miller: No comment given.

Hound Central 5.0: Do people still recognize you in public?
Kevin Miller: Local, yes. Nationwide, no.

Hound Central 5.0: Can you tell the difference between autograph dealers and collectors?
Kevin Miller: No comment given.

Hound Central 5.0: Does it really matter if someone is a dealer?
Kevin Miller: Yes.

Hound Central 5.0: Would/do you sign blank pieces of photo paper?
Kevin Miller: No.

Hound Central 5.0: Most famous person to ask for your autograph?
Kevin Miller: None.

Hound Central 5.0: Most famous person you've asked for an autograph?
Kevin Miller: Ryan Miller.

Hound Central 5.0: Black or blue Sharpies?
Kevin Miller: Either.

Hound Central 5.0's senior correspondent, Moody, was pretty happy when Kevin agreed to complete our questionnaire. Like Miller, Moody grew up in Michigan, watching the Miller Boys of Michigan State University as a fan of the Spartans.

Hound Central 5.0 and its correspondents thank Miller for his time in answering these questions. We appreciate his efforts, on and off the ice.

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