Sunday, November 21, 2010

The Hockey Life: Week 5

Going into the school year, I made a deal with Colin. If he was on his best behavior and got good grades through the Thanksgiving break, we'd sign him up for the Tampa Bay Lightning's holiday hockey camp. A couple of weeks ago, knowing that he'd kept his end of the bargain, I offered an alternative reward.

Rather than the hockey camp, I asked if would he'd be interested in joining me in a quick road trip down to Sunrise, Fla., to watch the Boston Bruins, his favorite team, play the Florida Panthers. Well, let's just say that Plan B was a big hit.

So, after reconnecting with his best NHL buddy Patrice Bergeron later today and taking in the Bruins-Lightning game tomorrow night in Tampa, we'll hit the road Wednesday morning for a four-hour ride across the Sunshine State. Our lower-bowl tickets await us at the arena. We're even staying at the same hotel as the Bruins, too.

Think of it, if you will, as a boys' night out.

I left it up to Colin if he's going to tell Patrice about the trip. If not, I can't wait to see the looks on their faces.

Hockey happens

We had plans to hound the Minnesota Wild last Sunday. Really, we did. Had nearly a dozen pucks and a full book of cards for them.

It was all for naught, though, when another hockey coach from Colin's home arena asked him to suit up for his team. Of course, we obliged, as the coach could become Colin's coach next spring should we make the leap to travel-team hockey.

Though the team lost, Colin scored the game's first goal. Please know, too, that it was Colin's third game of the day and fourth within 19 hours.

As you can imagine, he slept like a rock later that night.

Quote(s) of the week

"What's he doing wearing that sissy jersey?"
A skater -- a man in his 40s -- at TBSA Countryside ice rink to me, kiddingly, as Colin walked past him wearing a Toronto Maple Leafs jersey.

"He's a damn good skater, that kid. He can wear any jersey he wants."
That same skater, about 15 minutes later, as he stood near me, catching his breath after trying to keep up with Colin.


  1. Sissy jersey!!!!! Ah, those are fighting words. Good thing Mr. Al was not around, he would have to defend the good name of the likes of Johnny Bower, Dave Keon, Red Kelly and other Maple Leaf HHOF members.
    Thank you Colin for upholding the high standards of skill which comes with donning such a jersey.

  2. That's what I told him, that the jersey was a gift from a Toronto firefighter with very deep Leafs roots.

    It gets even better. On Saturday night, we took Colin skating at that rink again. The same guy was out there, this time with his hockey-playing daughter (she had a helmet and pink hockey gloves), who appeared to be a couple years older and much bigger than Colin.

    I asked if she could give Colin a run for his money. The dad said she just might. It took three laps for him to realize she couldn't.

    I'm thinking he'll keep his yap shut now.
